1 module test_feature_tests;
3 debug (featureTest) {
4 	import feature_test;
5 	import std.typecons;
7 	unittest {
8 		  FeatureTestRunner.instance.addBeforeAll(() {
9 		  	FeatureTestRunner.instance.info("Runner Before All");
10 		  });
12 		feature("Wrong is never right", (f) {
13 				f.addBeforeAll(() {
14 					f.info("Feature Before All");
15 				});
16 				f.scenario("Failing Scenario", {
17 						"Wrong".shouldEqual("Right", "String value");
18 					});
19 			}, "english");
21 		feature("Ultimate answer", "According to the HGTTG", (f) {
22 				f.scenario("What is the correct answer", {
23 						f.info("Calculation ultimate answer, please wait 7.5 million years...");
24 						42.shouldEqual(42, "The ultimate answer");
25 					});
26 				f.scenario("Check the answer according to the scrabble tiles", {
27 						f.info("Using Arthur Dent algorithm to produce scrabble tiles...");
28 						enum scrabbleTiles = 6*9;
29 						scrabbleTiles.shouldEqual(42, "Scrabble tile answer");
30 					});
31 			}, "hgttg", "slow");
33 		feature("Ultimate question", "", (f) {
34 				f.scenario("Calculate the _correct_ ultimate question", {
35 						featureTestPending;
36 					});
37 			}, "hgttg");
39 		feature("Null matchers", (f) {
40 				f.scenario("null is null", {
41 						null.shouldBeNull();
42 					});
43 				f.scenario("string is not null", {
44 						"test".shouldNotBeNull();
45 					});
46 				f.scenario("Nullable support", {
47 						Nullable!int hazy_int;
48 						hazy_int.shouldBeNull();
49 						hazy_int = 2;
50 						hazy_int.shouldNotBeNull();
51 						hazy_int.nullify();
52 						hazy_int.shouldBeNull();
53 					});
54 			});
55 	}
56 }